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Mindfulness: Being Mindful

Mindfulness Being Mindful

Mindfulness, being mindful​, we must learn to relax and let go of our judging mindset to be in the present moment and accept it as it is rather than as we wish it to be.
Doing that, we no longer attach to the outcome thus, we will remain at ease, and being at ease, enable us to be more creative that will help to increase our productivity.
Before I started practicing mindfulness, my mind already prejudged the outcome, causing me to have a persistent mental block, making it difficult for me to start working on my projects. For example, my mind tends to prejudge the outcome that the client will not be getting any of my services before meeting my new client for an appointment.
Therefore, suspend judgment for a time, set aside our immediate goals for the future, and take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be. Be aware that our thoughts are of the past or the future and bring our mind back to the present moment, be the watcher of our mind constantly.

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